Returns & Exchange

Digital goods

Downloadable goods (digital files) are not refundable or exchangeable, unless we fail to deliver them to you for a download. The buyer must understand the file formats and compatibilities with their devices before making a purchase, if questions arise, feel free to contact us. Please, understand the nature of downloadable goods (especially of RAW and master formats), they represent a license too. There is no exceptional grant of changing or cancelling your digital download order after it had been placed (purchased) and the downloadable link has been provided to you by our store.

Our discretion in exceptional cases

We may also presume an exceptional, probable reason for downloadable goods to be refunded, if:

  • a product states a completely different item, or the product description is false in whole, or in major part of it (which had never taken place so far).


Physical goods are subject to return or exchange if:

  • the item is not as described substantially – if it is different from what it claims to be. The buyer must allow some colour alterations due to screen differences and sample characteristics
  • the product is or was corrupted initially, on production stage (shortcomings)
  • the product is misfit (for clothing), you may return it, only if it’s unworn and in perfect condition
  • the physical quality is not corresponding to its reference – this is usually handled by our own discretion.

You may exchange

Any physical goods on the same type of goods, if some of the aforementioned problems have occurred to your order. These include:

  • damaged items
  • wrong items
  • not as described (substantial differences) items

Questionable returns/exchanges

If your parcel was mishandled, miscarried, damaged by the carrier, the return or exchange would be managed throughout the carrier’s liability, insurance, or via our support. If you apply directly to us, you would need to have a proof of such miscarriage, such as: photos/video of the arrived box in a damaged condition, unpacking videos, etc. If satisfied, the product will be returned/exchanged.

Who pays for shipping returns?

In most cases buyer pays the shipping cost, if not specified otherwise by carrier’s insurance or policy.

Partial Refund

If the aforementioned disputed refund had occurred between us, for damaged items, miscarriage, wrong item, etc our store, upon further investigation and our own discretion, could provide a partial refund to buyer. You can keep the disputable item and we will reimburse the partial refund.